You are finite, Zathras is finite. This..... is wrong tool.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wienery Goodness

I went to school today to get a few things done for the clinic. Those didn't take too long, and it was nice to get some work done and feel like I'd accomplished something. I also got to talk to Amber and hang out with Calder for lunch. We also ran into Matt and made fun of him for a good 15 minutes--it was like 1L year all over again.

Lunch, though, was the highlight. We went to the Wienery, and I had a Selamu burger--garlic and peppers in the meat, and a plate of chili-cheese fries, which surprised me by being served with cole slaw on top of them. Although I would never have thought of such a combination on my own, it was actually quite tasty.

I think I'm going to have to start carrying either a small pad of paper, or get a data phone earlier than I currently plan, because I keep coming up with good ideas for something to talk about on here, but forgetting when it comes time to write (at 8 or 9 at night.)

I've been enjoying listening to Plato and a Platypus today, it's quite a good intro to philosophy, and the jokes are often rather funny. It's a nice overview of each subject which makes the concepts (at least the basics) digestible and understandable. It's kind of what I tried to do with soccer on my old blog.

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