You are finite, Zathras is finite. This..... is wrong tool.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The first day of Stephanie's break didn't start off too wonderfully [this is not the word I wanted to use, but it is too late for me to come up with the word I want. It's something like "ostentatiously" but I can't quite get it off the tip of my tongue. [Update: 3/22/2010 the word, I think was "inauspiciously."]], with Nathaniel waking us up early. Stephanie took a little while longer in bed to try to get some more rest, but Nathaniel wasn't exactly quiet in his morning play, of course. He had a rough day with not wanting to eat or nap much, and getting cranky at times. We think that maybe daylight savings time has thrown off his schedule, but he's also been off his routine for a few days on other things, so who knows what's causing it. This evening in particular he was tired, cranky, and hungry, but refused to eat for several minutes. We go to the doctor on Wednesday where the current theory is acid reflux, which might be what's causing him to refuse to eat after a certain amount, or to eat when he is clearly hungry like tonight. I'm not sure he wasn't just over tired and being cranky with me this evening though.

It was another beautiful spring day, as the rain has departed for a couple of days and we've had wonderful sunny weather. Today got above 60 degrees, so we took a walk and took Nathaniel for his first visit to the library. He seemed to enjoy it, and got to read a number of new books that had fun pictures and colors. I found a copy of Watchmen on DVD which I checked out to see if there are any special features (and perhaps to watch it with Stephanie.) While I was looking at the audiobooks, Stephanie came over because Nathaniel had filled his diaper, so I watched the stroller and bag while she went to change him. She was gone a long time because he decided that this new, cool place deserved a very very large, smelly poop. We took home a half-dozen books for him, and we are hoping to make it a regular weekly visit to the library.

Nathaniel went to bed early tonight, so I hope that he doesn't decide that means he needs to get up extra early as well. He needs to sleep, having taken fewer naps than usual, and his mother and father could also benefit from some good sleep. Uninterrupted sleep is too much to hope for, but more of it would be welcomed.

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