You are finite, Zathras is finite. This..... is wrong tool.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today was relatively low key. I got up around seven with Nathaniel; I slept relatively well, but Stephanie was up with him a lot, so I figured when I woke up I should take him out so that she could get some sleep. She didn't end up sleeping very long, but a little while longer at least.

Nathaniel was playing very well on the floor and crawling a little bit too. He enjoyed watching the recycling truck and then playing with his tunnel for a while, and when it was time for him to take a nap, Stephanie took him downstairs to rock. She started watching The Lovely Bones, the description of which really turned me off, so I went out to finish the yard work. I had done most of the raking and just had to gather up the stuff from under the pine tree and cart it off to the compost site, which opened for the season today.

I planned to use my parents' garbage cans for the job, so I went over there and found that they had five bags of compost of their own, so I put it all into my mom's CRV and took them to the compost site before heading back to get my own. I realized then that I'd forgotten to rake up by the back of the garage in the alley, so I filled another bag of leaves with that wet crap (there was still snow and ice in there in fact) and then filled both garbage cans and a recycling bin with most of the pine tree stuff. I carted that off to the compost site and then came home. It took me longer than I'd planned since I had to make an extra trip to the place, so when I got back Nathaniel had finished his nap and eaten.

We decided to go to the grocery store and get the remaining few items for making cheesecake for Easter. Nathaniel fell asleep rather quickly upon leaving the house in the stroller, but he woke up when we came out of Lund's because of the wind. We found Veal Baby Food though--nothing but the best for my son. Lund's had a better selection of meats in their baby food, though and in our search for caloric foods for him, some of these were better than what we've got so we decided to give a few of them a try. Chicken, Turkey, Beef and of course Veal with gravy.

Tomorrow I have a firm event at the law school and Stephanie is meeting with her godmother, so it is shaping up to be a bit of a busier day, but hopefully it will start out calmly enough to take it easy again. I dislike having the day really start close to 11:00 since I feel like half the day is gone (especially when I want to go to bed by nine) but an easy going morning can also be relaxing so long as I don't get worked up about whatever else I want to do or get done. I have problems just living in the moment, regardless of the moment. Even if it's a moment that I've been anticipating for a long time, when it comes I just find myself planning for the next or worrying that I'm not appreciating it enough and ruining it by overthinking the situation. Hopefully I will be able to just enjoy my time with Nathaniel over the next 280 days.

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