You are finite, Zathras is finite. This..... is wrong tool.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

This post contains the best picture of this blog so far.

Today was a nice, relaxing day. Apart from Stephanie having a hair cut around noon, we didn't have anything really to do. Nathaniel even cooperated by sleeping in a little bit this morning. When Stephanie went to her haircut, Nathaniel napped for about an hour, then woke up with wet onesie, pants and shirt. I changed him and fed him a bottle, and since he was still tired, rocked him back to sleep for a bit. He slept another 45 minutes and woke up with another wet onesie, pants and shirt. When Stephanie came home, we took a walk in the beautiful weather to my parents house to feed the dog her medicine. It was a glorious walk. Nathaniel wore Stephanie's old Sesame Street Hat, and it kept getting swung to the side, giving him a half-goofy, half-hip-teenager look. He also kept putting one foot up on the stroller. He never slept on the walk, or the other one we took later, but he did chill out pretty well, and in the end he didn't nap from about 1:00 until it was time for bed, when he dropped off completely exhausted around 7:30.

In the meantime, we were visited by Erin, Nicole, Diana and David, and he hammed it up for all of his fans. Diana and Nicole went to a meeting down in the village, so we went on a walk with Erin to Half Price Books. At the risk of increasing the work required for my new second blog, we went looking for a copy of Sam and George, which is a book about a pair of autistic brothers that was mentioned by Nick Hornby in The Polysyllabic Spree. We thought it might be a good one for Stephanie's families or coworkers, but there wasn't a copy at the store. Nor was there a copy of the other few books from Polysyllabic that I looked for. Thankfully.

We ended the day by watching The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. As with most Wes Anderson movies, it is more bizarre than anything else. Enjoyable enough, but not necessarily the movie I thought it was when I wanted to see it when it came out (frighteningly six years ago now....)

With little planned out for tomorrow, I am hoping that it will be a similarly relaxing day, and that Nathaniel sleeps well for the night, after his lack of naps today.

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