You are finite, Zathras is finite. This..... is wrong tool.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tonight, Stephanie and I watched Sneakers. I am really glad that I put this movie on our NetFlix queue. I remember it from when I was a kid, and I think I saw it a number of times--it's a semi-action movie, but it's got a wholesome quality to it that you just don't often see in movies anymore. (At the risk of sounding like the old fart I usually sound like.) It's rated PG-13, and has little, if any profanity. There is hardly any sexual innuendo (although it was rated PG-13 because of that, apparently.) And it has a magnificent cast: Redford, Poitier, Akroyd, Kinglsey, and a few lesser known ones.

I'm glad we decided to just sit and watch this movie tonight too. Even though we took a number of breaks for putting Nathaniel to bed, feeding him, and other such stuff, and even though I spent much of the movie with my laptop on my lap, it was nice to just sit together and watch a movie. For whatever reason, I tend to get really antsy when we watch movies together. Whenever I'm watching anything, in fact. Since I was young--I remember watching Babylon 5 while I was in high school, and organizing my cards while I watched it, etc.. But I took a ritalin this evening and it seemed to help, at least a bit.

We took a quick look at our netflix queue tonight also, so hopefully we can do this a couple more times in the next few weeks while we're all at home and relax a bit. Hopefully when we get the office, the upstairs and the furnace room organized a little better, and the real living areas of the house just a little straightened up, we'll be able to just sit and relax. I figure to do a great job of all that would take at least a week of straight working on it, so we'll see how much we manage to get done.

One final thought: Even as a kid, I remember thinking that Patrick Stewart was the person playing Cosmo. It is, of course Ben Kingsley, but watching it again, I really see similar acting styles between the two. I think it's interesting that two excellent actors have such similar styles, and have a certain amount of similarity in their appearances. Both have a presence and an ability to subsume themselves into a role that is great. There are some actors who you always think of as the actor, even when they're playing a role quite well. You can think of them as the character for most of the movie, while you're watching it. In other cases, you can't think of a character, except as played by a certain actor. Leo McKern as Rumpole is a good example. Others escape me at the moment. Anyways. The truly great actors are the ones who you can only think of them playing their character, even if others have tried, and who make you believe in a character separately from the actor him/herself. This is getting to be rambling, and it's time for bed, so I'll leave it at that for the moment. Maybe some time later, I'll be able to better explain these thoughts that I've had for quite some time.

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